Tuesday, August 27, 2013

30, 31 & 32 weeks!

I can't believe we're down to 7 weeks left!!! Oh, the stress! We finally found a house that we made an offer on, thank goodness! However, we don't close on the home until the 19th of September. Exactly one month before the due date. I feel prepared in the sense that we have everything (and then some) we need but I don't feel prepared to bring her home. Currently all the baby stuff is in bags and boxes down in the basement of my parents home...just waiting and the rest of our belongings are in storage. This driving me crazy! The chances of little miss coming early are pretty high and nothing is set up or washed. I might have nervous breakdown before we get to the point of having things set up and ready.

We had a doc appt today. Everything went well and baby is still head down. It will be very interesting to see how far along Miss Holly will be when Brystol arrives. The last week or so we've been able to tell that she has been getting more and more uncomfortable. Today I noticed she had quite the waddle going on as we were walking into the docs office. Brystol is sitting pretty low causing poor Holly a bit of discomfort but she's still taking it like the champ that she is! 



Sunday, August 11, 2013

27, 28 & 29

I have fallen so far behind on my blog. Sad! Life has kept me quite busy these last few weeks. I've sat down a few times to update and then got distracted. Boooo! I can say that these last few weeks have FLOWN by though.

Like I say in every blog update, Holly continues to do well! We had a little hiccup with not passing the 1 hour glucose test but the 3 hour was passed with no problems! Woohoo! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Baby shower!

I'm not even sure where to begin with this post. 

My mom did a beyond amazing job at putting this baby shower together. It was tons of fun and we can't thank my Mom & those that helped her enough. My sister, Sherrie & Holly for all the prep work & Lindsay, Erik's Mom & Dad, Pam & Jack, his grandma, Irene, and Aunt Lori(AL, as I call her) for all the set up and take down help... All of you! Thank you! 

We also want to thank all of you that came to help us celebrate and welcome our long awaited little miracle into this world. There were so many people that came to this shower from near and far. Erik's Aunt Lori came all the way from California and one of my best friends drove 4 hours from Walla Walla to be here (she also just found out she's having TWINS! I'm SO stinking excited!!!!), others from central Washington and more family of mine from eastern, Oregon. For those of you that did come, we really can't thank you enough for taking time our of your busy lives to have been here and for being such wonderful friends and family. This little girl is going to be so loved by so many! 

Also, special Thank You to Miss Nicole Oliver for taking the photos at our baby shower. Love your face!!
 Let the photos begin...

Thanks again, Lindsay!! Your cake pops never fail. YUM!

The yellow crocheted blanket and shall's were made my Grandma for me back when I was about 19 years old. The pink and white blanket down in the carriage was made by Erik's Mom out of yarn that my Grandma still had when she passed away a little over a year ago. Such a wonderful display of 3 Grandma's love for this little girl. 


The guys game...

My 2 best ladies and their belly's!!