Monday, July 1, 2013


I haven't updated my blog in so long! Things have been a bit hectic in our lives. On the 21st of June we had our home in College Place, Washington packed up and off to The Portland, Oregon area we went. Home! We both grew up about 20 miles out of Portland in a very small town. Me on a farm, Erik in town. It will always be home to us. For now we are living on the farm with my parents until we find a house near Salem, OR where Erik is working. We have an offer in on a home and will hopefully be hearing back from them today. Fingers crossed! Erik started his new job today. Same career just a new location in a "new" state. Bigger and better oppertunities, a new start! We are going to miss all our dear friends in Washington. We moved there knowing 1 person but left with many great friendships and memories that we will cherish forever. If it wasn't for meeting our neighbors who quickly became one of my best friends, I don't know what I would have done. 💕

Brystol & Holly continue to do well. We had a doctors appt last week, everything went great and is right on track.

Sometimes I wonder where these people live when they are comparing their fruit or veggie to the size they say. Finding an 8 inch papaya was impossible, along with a 9 inch eggplant! You get the idea. 😉

One of these days I'm hoping that little lady will decide to move for us when we touch Holly's growing bump. Every time I put my hand on Holly's belly Brystol decides its time to take a nap or be a statue and not move. Lol. Poor Holly gets so frustrated that I can't feel her. We have couch dates every once in a while. Holly reclines on the couch and just chill there with my hand, waiting. It'll happen though, hopefully soon!

As of today we have 32 days until our baby shower and 109 until the due date! This summer is going to go by quickly, I hope!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow it's going so quickly! We are 20 weeks and I can't believe we are half way. Time is going to fly and she will be in your arms before you know it!
